Christine & Val has been such a wonderful host to us. The kind of hospitality that you would only expect coming from the Malays. Every little things were taken care of from warm beds each night, mode of transport until every meal of the day. Lucky i followed Shah to Adelaide as they already regards Shah as their own son.
Our day first started early in the morning; i couldn't really sleep the night before as the excitement kicks in early :). We took the earliest plane that scheduled to be departed on 9.00am which means we have to be at the airport at 8.00am. The skybus took about 25min from Southern Cross Station to the Tullamarine Airport.
As soon we reached home, Christine treated us with fettucini marinara; Val himself went to the local stores to get us the seafood. They were so kind and well concerned about our dietary requirement that they didn't even mind feeding us. Shah insisted on watching Princess Mononoke by Hayao Miyazaki & i fell asleep on the couch half way through as it has been such a day having to woke up early & trailing a hike.
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